

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dear friends and family,
We are celebrating a new addition to our family.

Our old vacuum was done in by really dirty carpet in our first two apartments, and perhaps a lot of feathers from our leaking comforter. As a result, the carpets in our house have probably never been appropriately vacuumed. Every time I vacuumed, it smelled really bad, and the floor left no indication that a vacuum had ever crossed over it. We did take it to be "fixed" about 6 months ago, but it didn't really help.

I came home on Thursday to find this little gem parked in the middle of the front room with a note that said:
Let's make a deal,
You need a new vacuum
And I need a floor to clean.
Can I stay? Please?
- Riccar

P.S. I was as expensive as you thought.
(and then scribbled in handwriting is a ^n't after "was")

If it were up to me, we wouldn't have bought a new vacuum. This is what happens when Chad has a morning off from work. But, he reminded me that last time I vacuumed, I was close to letting out some words not quite fit for puppy ears, and I conceded that we do in fact need a new vacuum.

I vacuumed the front room, and the carpet looks GREAT!! I went over everything for about 1/2 hour before I stopped hearing it sucking up a lot of dirt. Tomorrow I vacuum the bedroom!!! I'm excited!

I know, slow news day at the Busath household...

1 comment:

Nielsen Family said...

I know how you feel. When I saw how much our old vacuum wan't getting...yeah, I hear you.