

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Some of you whom I have talked to over the phone know that I have had a little bit of a cold thing for about 2 weeks now. It started as a sore throat from breathing cold, dry air at night and progressed into a nose and cough thing. I don't feel like I caught it, per se, although I guess that's possible. Anyway, so I have been drinking Sunny D (for my Vitamin C) like crazy and I thought that I was on the mend. It's usually worse in the mornings, but coughing hasn't woken me up in the middle of the night for a while now.

But I've had a pretty consistent headache for going on 3 days now. I thought it was a sinus thing, but this doesn't feel like the pressure-y kind of sinus headache. It feels like I've been punched in the face a bunch of times. Just really sore and achy. Similar (but not as intense) as the pain I felt when I got braces, or had my wisdom teeth pulled. It feels like I have a fever, but according to the thermometer, I don't. Also, I think I must be grinding my teeth at night, because my whole jaw is sore, all the way up to my temples. Tonight I'm going to try to wear my mouth guard/positioner thing I got from the orthodontist and see if that helps.

Anyways - sorry for the health post, but I want you to feel sorry for me.

In other news, for months I had been wearing the earrings I got when I got my ears pierced. Because they are small and have the rounded backs, I could wear them overnight and not have to worry about taking them out. Then one day I was frantically taking a shower and getting dressed (I was late for something) when I realized one of my earrings was about to fall out because the back was missing. I looked all over and couldn't find it. This has happened before - usually when I'm drying my hair and I bump my earring one too many times. If I don't realize it right when it happens, I have pretty much no hope of ever finding the back. Anyways, so this time I had given up and decided it must have gone down the shower drain, and retired the pair of earrings to my jewelry box.

(Caution: this is a gross story)
The other night Lady was sleeping on our bed, but decided she wanted to get up at 6:30. So Chad put her in her cage and came back to bed. She apparently got up at 6:30 because she had to go out. She pooped in her cage instead. As I was cleaning up the poop, I saw something shiny. Upon further inspection, it was the BACK TO MY EARRING!!! I don't know where she found it, but, of course, she ate it. And there it was. It's a miracle! I saved the back to my earring, but it sits on a napkin on the kitchen counter, because I don't know if I can ever wear something on my head that was found in poop. I know, I'm a germ-o-phobe.

So anyways. Now you know.

...I wanna go home and sleep until this head thing fixes itself.


ottspot said...

Your headache could still be a sinus thing. Twice now I've had pain on just one side of my face that feels like I'm being stabbed and it lasted for over a week. Advil didn't help it at all...and then I discovered that Sudafed did.

mollie said...

... just so you know, you have officially become one of "those" dog people.

(p.s.- my word verification = legato)