

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Countdown

As some of you already know, since high school, I have donated my hair to Locks of Love 3 or 4 times. I rarely get my hair cut otherwise. So, it's that time again!

When I was student teaching, they did an assembly at the school and cut a bunch of kids' hair. I found out they have been doing that assembly for several years. I decided to wait to cut my hair until the assembly - and the date has been set - Friday, April 1st. Conveniently also my birfday.

So - say goodbye to these locks of love. Hopefully it won't look terrible.


ottspot said...

I guess that means you didn't take Friday off. boo! :-P

Megan Busath said...

I would have had to wait for Chad to get off of work anyway.