

Sunday, September 09, 2012

9 months!

Last weekend we went to the Eastern Idaho State Fair. There isn't too much to see there, but this year they had a nice petting zoo. We mostly go for the food. We had a tiger ear, (giant fried dough with butter and cinnamon/sugar) teriyaki chicken, a piece of homemade bread, a snow cone and a candied apple. Here's Charlie and Daddy on the way to the car. 

Ever since Charlie was a newborn, he has (mostly) enjoyed going for walks in his stroller.  A lot of times it is the only way to get him to sleep. So we take a lot of walks in the evenings. It has been cooling off, and you can really feel fall in the air! We are excited for pumpkins and sweaters and candy corn and apples. But fall is almost non-existent here because winter comes so quickly. And there are no leaves to change color and rake into crunchy piles. But here is a picture of Charlie after one of our evening walks. Babies in hats are so cute!!

And today was/is Charlie's 9 month birthday!!  It's the Charlie equinox - when his time in the world begins to surpass his time in the belly. Let's see... what does Charlie do these days? He spends his time crawling around the house, finding cords to put in his mouth, hiding in the curtains, getting into the dog food and water, eating (feeding himself!) puffs and such, pulling his socks off, pulling himself up on stuff, reaching his hands up to bang on the piano, and falling over a LOT. We have seen him stand up by himself a couple of times but only by accident so far. He says "num num num" a lot - especially when he's eating... He still loves baths and playing with Lady. He always wants to play with the plunger and climb into the fridge. He is growing too fast for us to keep up with him, but has a new wardrobe thanks to Erin's hand-me-downs on loan. The shirt and pants in the picture below are 12M. He has a doctor's appointment on Tuesday - we'll let you know how much he weighs! Charlie is ticklish and giggles/screams when you tickle his toes or armpits. He is a happy kid. And we are happy to have him.

Here's his photo shoot. Serious. 

Silly smiley. That's more like it. 

I also made baklava today because I like baklava and I can never find anywhere around here that makes it. So I thought I would make my own. It was/is delicious. But walnuts are expensive!! :o( 

1 comment:

LJ Busath said...

Happy 9-month Day, Charlie! We miss you so much! Love, Gram and Grandpa