

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This picture is on the label for children's ibuprofen - which we bought for Charlie tonight because he hasn't been sleeping because (we assume) his gums are hurting. He will probably get one of his top teeth before the end of the week.

Are you telling me my child is either "under 2 years" or "24-35 lbs"? Because... he's almost 24 pounds right now. And he's 9 months old.


ottspot said...

Your child is the size of a 2 year old. Does that clear things up? Haha. People will be so confused when he starts nursery and he is the size of a 4 year old.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, big kids seem like they are older than they are and consequently people tend to think they aren't very bright when they act their age :-(

Megan Busath said...

i know!!!!