

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


A few weeks ago, Chad and I were feeling the itch to get out of Idaho Falls. The weather was pretty good, so we went for a drive up and around the foothills east of Ammon (where a body was found last year around this time... right before we closed on our house...).

On our drive, we saw a bald eagle swoop down and pick at some road kill. Seriously! Right in front of us! It was pretty awesome. I have never seen one so close before (except maybe at a zoo or something)Then a couple of deer ran across the road right in front of the car. I told Chad I don't think I had ever had that happen to me before. We weren't so close that we had to slam on the brakes or anything, but we got to watch them bound across the street. The first one tried to jump the barbed wire fence on the other side and didn't quite make it, getting his hind legs caught before awkwardly tumbling to the ground, getting up and running off. The second one made it look like a piece of cake.

Maybe you should come to Idaho sometime to see for yourself!! If you go to Yellowstone, a buffalo might walk right by your window (as happened to us last summer). And you might get attacked by a bear, but such is the price of enjoying the great outdoors...

On our drive, we ended up in Swan Valley where there's a little gas station that sells scoops of square ice cream. I was not impressed with the ice cream - I don't know if it's something about the square scoop, but the ice cream was really frozen - like, had ice crystals in it. Personally, I like my ice cream creamy.

Doesn't Idaho sound like such a nice place to visit???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have totally been to Swan Valley and gotten square ice cream! And yeah, it's really pretty up there.