

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Things They Should Bring Back

1. Planters PB Crisps - I had a dream about these a few weeks ago, and tried to describe them to Chad. He kept telling me I was thinking of Circus Peanuts. No way. I began to think I had just conjured them up in my childhood imagination, but after a quick google search, there they were.

2. 3D Doritos - Best. Chips. Ever.

3. Crest Whitening Expressions Fresh Citrus Breeze Toothpaste - They still make the vanilla and cinnamon kinds, but they discontinued the orange one. Aquafresh attempts to make an "orange" toothpaste, but it is gross.

4. Tamagotchis - I could really use one to soak up some of my boredom right about now. Nothin' like waiting for the little alien to hatch and grow up, and then cleaning the poop off of the screen. In 4th grade, our class had to be told to leave our Tamagotchis (not cell phones) in our backpacks and please turn the sound off so they wouldn't be beeping at us all day.

(I found this picture on a "Top ten terrible tech products" list. They obviously don't know what they're talking about.)

5. Warheads - Not that I really want some, but what happened to these? Do they still make them? We used to save up our allowance to buy them because you weren't cool unless you had Warheads. The lemon ones were the worst. Sometimes I'd rinse off the sour part and eat the candy.
(P.S. Remember when dipping your lollipop in water was the only way to eat a lollipop? Kids are weird.)

That's all I can think of. What would you add?


ottspot said...

That is what you were trying to describe to me at the store then I guess.

Megan Busath said...


Anonymous said...

Heyday cookies! The were a crunchy wafer covered with caramel and peanuts and chocolate. Delicious, but no longer available.

Erin and Devin said...

They still make warheads... not sure where to get them, but I have had a couple this year!

Nielsen Family said...

I remember the peanut crisps thingies so Chad should also--you're not crazy. I think they should bring back Pepsi Clear, I honestly don't remember if it was any good, but it didn't have caffeine and therefore we loved it!

Kimberly said...

Our teacher would give us warheads and we would have contests on who could hold out the longest on making a face. One of those sound super good right now.