

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Random Thoughts

Tonight I went over to the church to help put together hygiene kits. As we worked, I overheard two women talking about how they had cottage cheese and fruit for various meals throughout the day. And I wondered to myself, at what age do the cottage cheese taste buds develop? It seems like everyone over the age of 40 eats cottage cheese with their fruit. And my mouth just can't get past the texture. Is there going to be a point in my life when I will suddenly lose my aversion to cottage cheese, and eat it whenever I have any kind of fruit? Just wondering.

Also - when did it become socially acceptable to clip your fingernails wherever and whenever you want? I have noticed this social faux pas (or maybe it's not a faux pas?!) on several occasions now. Sacrament meeting, school, meetings, ward parties/dinners. I understand if something happens and you chip a nail or have a jagged part for one reason or another and you want to just take care of it quickly. (Even so - shouldn't you at LEAST use a garbage can?) I just have a problem with people clipping their fingernails in public places, and letting their clippings fly around the room willy-nilly. I don't understand why people want to clip their fingernails in public anyway. Isn't that a personal grooming habit that should happen in the privacy of your own home? And just because they're your baby's fingernail clippings doesn't make it any less gross.

Do you want to open a hymn book in Sacrament Meeting to have someone's bodily substance fall out on your lap?! Me neither! So please! If we must do it in public, let's not clip our fingernails anywhere but into a garbage can.

Also - I think we have the sweetest dog that ever lived. I can't believe how cuddly she is, and how cute she is when she's tired/sleeping. I'm glad I have her to keep me company.

And mom and dad, I think you should come visit us this summer. We could go to Yellowstone! And, if you come in the summer, it might not snow!

And what's in the Dickerson water?! Sheesh! Two babies within months of each other! Mom and dad will DOUBLE their grandchildren! We're happy for Erin and Bryce having a girl! Congrats Kyle & Jess!

... And I guess now I'm going to bed. Can you tell I'm bored?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will most likely be out at the end of the summer. Seems like something is happening then. What was it? Oh yeah, Erin's having a baby! I'm sure we'll get together at some point. Yellowstone would be fun (assuming I can actually walk by then.)

Are you carrying Lady around in your purse yet?