

Monday, September 04, 2006

Today was fast and testimony meeting at church. For those of you who aren't LDS, that means that we fast for two meals around the first Sunday of the month and donate the money we would've spent on those meals to the church to help the needy in our church boundaries. In addition, in our Sunday services, the time is turned over to the congregation for them to voluntarily bear their testimonies -- what they know to be true about the church/faith-strengthening experiences they've had. So we went to Sunday School first and then Relief Society (the women's Sunday School class) and then Sacrament Meeting (the LDS version of "mass"). This kid came in and sat next to me during Sacrament Meeting, so I started talking to him. And then at the end of the meeting he stands up... he was probably 4'8" or something. He was SHORT. I laughed. Don't worry, he didn't hear me.

Then I tried to update my blog from yesterday. I got frustrated with that so I took a nap instead. I woke up at about 4 and then went to play the piano in the lounge. A couple of girls came and knocked on the door while I was in there. One was carrying a piano showtunes book, so I said I was done, but instead she asked if I could play the song. So I sightread it (it was easy) and she says "What are you doing tomorrow?" Apparently her friend is going to audition for the "Show Choir" tomorrow and she was supposed to accompany her, but decided that I should do it. I forgot that there's more orientation stuff tomorrow, but I'm going to leave my phone number so she can get a hold of me while I'm out tomorrow. It should be interesting.

I took some new pictures of my apartment and my roommates. These are pictures of my half of the room.

I came back to my apartment at about 5 and hung around until about 5:30 when I noticed everyone flocking to campus in church clothes at which point I remembered there was a fireside by the President of the university and his wife at 6:00. So Kimberly

(my room roommate) and I got dressed and rushed off to campus and made it with time to spare. The talk they gave was centered on families and the Proclamation to the World and how we should apply it to student life. But there was also a section about how we should be preparing to get married if we aren't already. I was wondering how long that would take. A total of 32 hours since I officially got to campus.

After that Kimberly and I came back to the apartment. I made my first bowl of Easy Mac of college life and we decided to watch a movie.

So we picked Joe Versus the Volcano since it was the only movie we have here that neither of us had seen. In the middle of that Geena (sp?) -- Kimberly's roommate from last year came upstairs to tell her she was bored. So Geena called this boy that is interested in Kimberly, and he said he was coming to take her to the "stadium sing" -- 9:30-10:00 on Sunday night people get together and sing hymns under the bleachers. So Kimberly ran and got dressed and then we sat down in front of our movie like nothing had happened, and Geena ran back to her apartment. A little later the boy came to get her and we acted like we were so surprised. Fun stuff. So she left and I was here by myself watching the rest of our lovely movie, but then Brittany (sp?)

came back and watched the rest of it with me.

I visited the girls upstairs for a little while before coming back to get the scoop on Kimberly's date.

These are my other two roommates (the third one isn't back yet).

and Sarah. (it came out kind of blurry)

That's all for now.

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