

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

On Monday Kimberly and I decided to go to the Beginning of School Dance where we met some nice kids, and also some very strange ones.... 'nough said. Before we went, I decided I wanted to trim my bangs since they had grown out, so I did. And then Kimberly fixed them.

Tuesday was the first day of school! I left m
y apartment twenty minutes early to make sure I made it to my 8:00 class across campus, and I did, but it didn't meet in that building. They had changed the class schedules since I printed mine so I was ten minutes late for my first class ever at BYU-I. Oh and I auditioned and was accepted into the University Wind Ensemble. YAY!
Yesterday afternoon Kimberly and I got bored and made mac
aroons. (sp?) They were made of honey, coconut and an egg.

It was quite the production. They were pretty good too. Then our Relief Society President and our Bishopric came over to visit with us. Unfortunately, saying that you're a prospective music major leads them to ask what you play. So they know I play the piano. Let's hope I'm not stuck as choir pianist again. After that we were bored, so I talked Kimberly into going to visit the boys' apartments across the street. We found these two kids that were in my orientation group and invited ourselves over. T
hey were watching The Office so we watched a couple episodes of that and then went home. Good stuff. Before I went to bed I thought I would write in my journal, so I went to find it, and couldn't. Now, looking at the pictures on my previous post, you can see that my room is not exactly big enough to lose something. I finally found it wedged down behind my bed. Kimberly and I tried unsuccessfully to pull my bed and the 4 full drawers and cubby it's on top of away from the wall. I finally got it out with the end of the mop and by then I was too tired to write anything.

Today I figured out how to rig our shower curtain so that water doesn't leave a giant puddle next to the tub, like it has been for the past four days. I feel very proud of myself. I had my first Wind Ensemble rehearsal today. It was like being at Regionals. It's going to be like that every day! It's going to be cool.
Now I'm home for lunch and have to go back to class at 2:00. It's peanut butter and jelly # 2. I just drank the last of my milk. :*( I was surprised to find that I myself, ALONE, drank a gallon of milk in 5 days. I didn't realize I drink that much milk. So now I have to go buy some. It's not the buying part I mind, it's the walking home in the sun with my gallon of milk that's getting worse by the second that I mind.

Well I better go, I'm already a day behind on my homework. And school started yesterday. Yeah.

(If you're bored and reading this, why not send me an e-mail!!!

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