

Friday, September 22, 2006

So I was supposed to have an 8:00 class like I do every day, but for the second class in a row, the teacher is sick. Wednesday and Friday I got my 8:00 block free. Today I got up at the regular time so I could sit and eat breakfast and watch tv to my little heart's desire. And now it's 8:30 -- still too early to leave. I have my first real clarinet lesson this morning. Wish me luck.

Yesterday morning, our teacher let us out of the first hour of our class so we could go up the hill and watch them put Angel Moroni on the Rexburg Temple. It was raining, so I wasn't sure if they were still going to do it, but I went up anyway. "A gold-leafed statue of the angel Moroni is slated to be installed atop the single spire of the Rexburg Idaho Temple on the 183rd anniversary of the appearance of the angel Moroni to Joseph Smith: September 21, 2006, at 9:00 a.m." And at exactly 9:15 the Angel was on top of the temple, and by 9:20 they were lowering the crane. Very cool, I have to say. It was like campus froze to watch.

Kimberly and I have decided to go see a movie tonight -- or at least do something. It's about time for a girls night out. I'm excited.

In other news, yesterday was our first hail storm.

It hailed like it snows in CT. Probably at least an inch in less than 1/2 an hour. It was crazy. First I was just standing in the kitchen, still groggy from my 3 hour nap, when I hear this whooshing noise, and look out the window to see it's hailing like crazy. I ran and grabbed my camera, put on some shoes and a coat and ran outside to take pictures of our first wintry storm.

About an hour later I had to leave for class and it was still raining so I rolled up the bottom's of my jeans so they wouldn't get all wet, and ran out the door. (I left the apartment at the time the class was supposed to start). I saw Kimberly on my way back and she said to watch out for the river up on the road you need to cross to get to campus. I got up there, and ran across the traffic, to the other side, but was marooned in the middle of the street by the giant river, a car's length wide from where I was standing to the sidewalk. There was a girl stuck on the other side and we just kind of looked at each other. I looked around, and started to run up the street to get across where maybe it wasn't quite as wide, but there was no hope. I went through. It was honestly about a foot deep at it's deepest part, and had spilled up over the sidewalk. There was a guy standing on the other side of the street wondering how he was going to get across, and as I waded the river he says "Are you serious?!" "I have to get to class!" I yell. "Good for you!" says the guy.

I was wet up to my knees by the time I got to class. I walk in completely soaked, my hair is dripping wet, my jacket's soaked, so is my backpack, and my legs are completely wet all the way up to my knees. I just kind of stood at the door and looked at the professor and said I was sorry I was late. He said it looked like I had been out making slush angels. And then this lady in that class (yes, a lady) walked in and said she was sorry she was late but the roads were so bad and there was this huge puddle right by the parking lot (the one I WALKED through). I had no sympathy for her.

I have just decided to buy Kimberly a cow bell to wear around her neck. Not that she's a cow by any standard, but because my desk faces away from the door, so I'll be sitting at my computer and then start talking to her only to find out that she left the room 10 minutes ago. She's sneaky, that one. So to solve the problem, I am going to buy her a cow bell and make her wear it all of the time so I know exactly where she is. Our guests will wonder "What is that noise?" "Oh, Kimberly's drying her hair."

Well that is all for now. I have to meet with my quartet at 6:30. And then Kimberly and I are going to paint the town red. (Don't tell anyone)

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