

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Dear Gerber Generation Photo Search 2012 Judges,

I recognize that you have decided to call and inform me of my grand prize winnings tomorrow instead of today. I will be home after 4:00pm or you can reach my husband Chad at home any time throughout the day.

We are so looking forward to hearing from you! We've already spent our $70,000!

Megan Busath

Sunday, September 23, 2012


When we got home from church, Lady was sitting on the chair looking out the window, waiting for me. Which means she got out of the kitchen while we were gone. Sometimes she gets out and does nothing more sinister than sleep on the couch. Today I walked in to find Charlie's stuffed duck no longer stuffed - innards strewn about the front room. (I may have had a Snowball flashback...) So she got in trouble, and thrown in her cage.

The problem with that is Charlie sneaks in there and silently breaks her out of her cage, and then they both come running/crawling away as fast as possible. These two are trouble...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This picture is on the label for children's ibuprofen - which we bought for Charlie tonight because he hasn't been sleeping because (we assume) his gums are hurting. He will probably get one of his top teeth before the end of the week.

Are you telling me my child is either "under 2 years" or "24-35 lbs"? Because... he's almost 24 pounds right now. And he's 9 months old.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Spent my afternoon baking and frosting a cake to bring to a ward dinner/talent show tonight. It was chocolate fudge with (canned) coconut pecan frosting. It wasn't even like... old food storage crap. I left early because Charlie was tired of being held. Chad just came home with a mangled mess of cake!!!!

They cut it into about 50 little pieces, but said they "couldn't get it out" and told him to take it home. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH A MESS OF CAKE?! Irked?! More than a little.

I told Chad he's going to take it to church tomorrow and make sure someone eats it.

Next time they want me to bring a cake to something I'm going to say no.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


We took Charlie to the doctor on Wednesday and were again chided to get him to sleep through the night. We are going to try next week because we don't have any football games. We are going to leave him with a (youth) babysitter for the first time tomorrow night so he doesn't have to be out at the football game, and if she has to put him to bed, we don't want her to have to listen to him cry. We tried letting him cry on Tuesday night because he woke up mad and wouldn't take his bottle, like he usually does. I let him cry for 10 minutes (as advised) and by the end he was hysterical, and we felt so bad for leaving him for so long. I'm not worried about the not getting sleep part of trying to train him to sleep through the night, but listening to him cry like that when all he wants is a snuggle from his mom and dad is so sad! If he cried a lot, I might be able to ignore it better, but he's not really a crier. When he got his flu shot at the doctor, he screamed (of course) but we picked him up and talked to him, and within 2 minutes he was calmed down. (although still sniffling)

He is 23.7 pounds (94.8%) and 29 1/4" (83%). His head is 47 cm (not sure%). Doctor says he is a big boy, but he is proportional! He said bigger kids are usually slower to stand and walk and such, but we told him he was already pulling himself up on stuff. He walked behind the laundry basket as he pushed it across the floor. And he should be getting his top teeth any day now!

In other news -
Marching band is coming along nicely! I have no doubt that they can get it done, and I'm excited to see them perform. I think they are more nervous than anything.

It looks like we will be able to snag a couple of tickets to Conference. I've never been to anything in the new church Conference Center in Salt Lake (I'm sure it will be a parking/crowded nightmare) but that should be fun!

Also, I woke up this morning to find my socks (which had been on my feet when I went to bed) tucked neatly under my pillow. ... Okaaaay...

Other than that, not much is going on. It is getting cold here. There was frost on the windshield this morning. Winter will be here before we know it.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

9 months!

Last weekend we went to the Eastern Idaho State Fair. There isn't too much to see there, but this year they had a nice petting zoo. We mostly go for the food. We had a tiger ear, (giant fried dough with butter and cinnamon/sugar) teriyaki chicken, a piece of homemade bread, a snow cone and a candied apple. Here's Charlie and Daddy on the way to the car. 

Ever since Charlie was a newborn, he has (mostly) enjoyed going for walks in his stroller.  A lot of times it is the only way to get him to sleep. So we take a lot of walks in the evenings. It has been cooling off, and you can really feel fall in the air! We are excited for pumpkins and sweaters and candy corn and apples. But fall is almost non-existent here because winter comes so quickly. And there are no leaves to change color and rake into crunchy piles. But here is a picture of Charlie after one of our evening walks. Babies in hats are so cute!!

And today was/is Charlie's 9 month birthday!!  It's the Charlie equinox - when his time in the world begins to surpass his time in the belly. Let's see... what does Charlie do these days? He spends his time crawling around the house, finding cords to put in his mouth, hiding in the curtains, getting into the dog food and water, eating (feeding himself!) puffs and such, pulling his socks off, pulling himself up on stuff, reaching his hands up to bang on the piano, and falling over a LOT. We have seen him stand up by himself a couple of times but only by accident so far. He says "num num num" a lot - especially when he's eating... He still loves baths and playing with Lady. He always wants to play with the plunger and climb into the fridge. He is growing too fast for us to keep up with him, but has a new wardrobe thanks to Erin's hand-me-downs on loan. The shirt and pants in the picture below are 12M. He has a doctor's appointment on Tuesday - we'll let you know how much he weighs! Charlie is ticklish and giggles/screams when you tickle his toes or armpits. He is a happy kid. And we are happy to have him.

Here's his photo shoot. Serious. 

Silly smiley. That's more like it. 

I also made baklava today because I like baklava and I can never find anywhere around here that makes it. So I thought I would make my own. It was/is delicious. But walnuts are expensive!! :o(