

Thursday, February 05, 2009

This week in Dickerson medical anomalies...

Today I went to the orthopedic surgeon - the guy that takes clarinet lessons from Bro. Holman. I was reminded today that apparently I've met the man before - my freshman year, my first semester, when I played in the Rexburg Tabernacle Orchestra. Anyways.

If you'll recall, in October I began having pain in my right hand/wrist. I put up with it for a while and then called Dr. Mills (aforementioned orthopedic surgeon) in a "hey-I'm-a-musician-too-can-you-help-me-out" kind of way. I didn't want it to go that way, but he didn't think I should come in and see him yet. So he told me to take Aleve to help relieve the pain, and if it didn't get better, to call him. So I waited for Christmas to see if not practicing would help. But I still experienced pain all through Christmas break, which was disappointing. So I finally called and made an appointment.

What it basically comes down to is that he doesn't know what the problem is. It could be any number of things. What we did decide was that the x-rays showed that the bones in my wrist are not correctly aligned and so that is probably why I'm more susceptible to hand pain than other musicians. The bad news about this is that it sounds like the pain that I feel in my wrist anytime I push on something with my hand, may not go away. He asked me if I've ever had a bump on my wrist. (HAHAHA MOLLIE!) I said no, but my twin sister did, and she had to have it removed. He told me that a ganglian cyst in it's baby stages may be forming and we just can't see it yet. He gave me a prescription for some topical creme (basically extra strength Aspercreme from what I understand) to apply twice a day. But he said it's expensive, so I'm not really looking forward to finding out just what "expensive" means. Besides the fact that I'm already worried about the cost of the visit - insurance said they'd cover it - up to $250 I think. Hopefully that'll be enough.

Anyways, that's the latest update from Rexburg. Where'd I get these "loosey-goosey" joints anyway?!


ottspot said...

I've had a ganglian cyst on my wrist as well. FYI.

ottspot said...

Oh and it is ganglion.

ottspot said...

And this is from wikipedia: s with many other hand conditions, some speculate that arm use can increase the risk of ganglion formation [1] but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, and it may unfairly stigmatize arm use.

"unfairly stigmatize arm use?" arm use is such a scape goat. And it is totally overrated.

mollie said...

Erin apparently has nothing to do but to comment on your blog... and not enough foresight to do it only once.

and i think the correct terminology was that the cyst was "drained" not removed. and it hurt.

and, i think it's coming back. maybe we'll have twin ganglion cysts! AWWWW. mine's on my left hand though.

p.s.- i liked the last-minute throw-in of the term "loosey-goosey".

Anonymous said...

Michael has hand problems too. Better find out if he's had a ganglion cyst. I didn't know you'd had one Erin. When was that? You know you can just whack them with a heavy book to get rid of them.