

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Grand Slam!

As most of you may know, there was a commercial for Denny's that ran during the Superbowl offering free Grand Slam breakfasts to everyone 6am - 2pm Tuesday morning. Having missed free Dr. Pepper coupons, free taco day at Taco Bell and free Ben & Jerry's ice cream on election day, I was determined not to miss out on any more free offers. So - after cleaning the temple last night from 9:45-midnight, we got up at 6:45 and made our way to Idaho Falls.

There was a crowd inside the door when we got there, but there was a sign on the door telling the early birds to form a line outside the door until 10 to 6:00 when they'd let them in. We were glad we didn't decide to go wicked early to "beat the rush" or we would've been standing out in the cold waiting for our free breakfast.

We got to IF about 8:00, waited only about 20 minutes before we were seated, and ordered our glorious free food. Here is a picture of Chad anxiously awaiting his pancakes.

We wouldn't have even had a check to prove it except that we ordered hot chocolates - which also came with free refills. So anyways.

I got pretty close to finishing mine... but not quite. And they refilled my hot chocolate right before we were going to leave, so I tried to drink as much as I could, but I didn't want to be one of those people that eats so much at Denny's that they throw up in the lobby on the way out the door. (See entry for May 20th, 2007)

And that, my dear friends, is the story of the Superbowl Slam.


mollie said...

there was a door on the sign??

whoa- that's either one really strong sign, or a really small door...

p.s.- still jealous i didn't get free denny's.

Anonymous said...

We were talking about going but decided it wasn't worth the hassle. I knew it would be mobbed and we'd have to buy drinks which would cost twice what the whole breakfast would cost to make at home so I made our own pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs and we ate in pajamas in the comfort of our own home. (Well, I did. Dad was dressed)

What did they have you clean at the temple?

Megan Busath said...

We cleaned the locker rooms for the ordinance workers down by the baptistry. They gave us this really strong cleaner and then had us spray it in confined spaces. And you had to stick your head inside the locker to be able to reach the back of it. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if we weren't so tired already, I don't know. Towards the end of the night we were assigned to clean the carpet strips that go on top of the lockers. That got us out of the chemical-filled locker rooms, so that wasn't so bad. But needless to say, it wasn't the most enjoyable thing we've ever done. There were 20 of us and they split us in half. We're still wondering what the other half got to do.

ottspot said...

You look rather tired. And you spent more on gas than pancakes are worth. Just thought I'd add my note of enthusiasm.

mollie said...

Erin = Debbie Downer in training.