

Monday, January 14, 2013

Snow Day!

Hillcrest hasn't had a snow day since I started working/student teaching. (January 2010) And probably long before that.

The weather here has been snowy and COLD for the last few weeks, and everyone was hoping for school to be cancelled, but it never was.

So this morning I got up, bundled up for the -16 weather, and headed to school. I had lots of stuff to do, so I got there early - as has become the usual. I had been there for about 45 minutes when Chad called me to tell me that the internet was saying school was cancelled in our district. It was still early enough that no one else would be at school yet, so I didn't know. He called the district office to make sure and then, "COME HOME! IT'S A SNOW DAY!!!"

I didn't think it was possible, but I think snow days are even more exciting when you're a teacher than when you're a student. The best part was that I had a bunch of stuff to do for finals/new semester starting/Gem State Honor Band (which I got put in charge of) - so I stayed at work with the heat pumping (why is the heat on if school is cancelled? I don't know, but I'm glad it was!) and worked. I got home just at lunch time, having put in 5 hours of work and finishing 99% of the stuff I had to do. And then I got to spend the afternoon snuggling Charlie and running errands. It was grand.

And since I finished so much work at school, I now have an evening to do pretty much whatever I want. Jeopardy! here I come!


Anonymous said...

Mollie was home watching The Price is Right. That's almost as good - except the flu part.

Nielsen Family said...

I always hoped for a snow day when I was teaching--but even when the buses couldn't get out to get half the students, we still had school. I prayed every morning for one though--okay not literally prayed, but hoped, with every fiber of my being!