

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Adventures in Cooking

We have eaten a lot of boxed meals over the past few months, because, well, they're much easier than actually cooking. You empty all of the ingredients into an 8x8 baking dish, pop it into the oven, and Voila! Dinner is served!

But we decided we need to eat real food, and more meat in particular. Sometimes we have chicken (in the form of nuggets, pre-made cordon bleu, or grilled tenderloins) and sometimes we have hot dogs (on buns or in mac & cheese), but that is pretty much the extent of our meat eating, and I'm not sure hot dogs even count... We have a lot of room for improvement. So I planned a menu and made a shopping list. I have lots of meals to make now, but because most of the recipes make 4-6 servings, if I make dinner every night, we will run out of Tupperware (and room in the fridge) to store leftovers in. So right now we are on an every other night basis. (Not that I don't provide dinner of some sort every night, but not a big involved meal - perhaps one of those boxed dealies, or soup)

On Sunday night I made Spinach Stuffed Shells. Chad had never had stuffed shells before (who knew?!) and was pretty skeptical the whole time I was making it. But the dish turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. Although, I think I prefer mom's spinach-less stuffed shells, which I think I will make next time.

Future meals include some oldies but goodies - mom's (White) Chicken Enchiladas, taco salad, crock-pot ribs, and Erin's recipe for Beef Stroganoff.

My second new meal this week is Brisket. Chad had it on his mission and fell in love, so I am going to try to make a crockpot version. It's a surprise though so don't tell him! (Don't worry, he doesn't bother to read my blog.)

But, in other food news, we bought a freezer! (YAY!) This is something we've been looking at for a while, when we found out how cheap a 5.0 cubic foot freezer is. So we bought one this past weekend. We put it in the basement at the foot of the stairs. Now we can buy stuff on sale or in bulk and have somewhere to put it - extra bread, stuff we grow in the garden, meat, etc. Any of you who have seen our fridge/freezer combo know that this is a good thing. Maybe I will try freezing some of the extra portions of the meals I make this week.


ottspot said...

I would buy some cheap aluminum trays to freeze food in. For example, when you make the enchiladas make two 8x8 or 6x6 pans instead of one 9x13. Assemble them and then wrap one up and freeze it when you put the other one in the oven. (Don't bake them both and then freeze one.) Cafe Rio pork in the crockpot is yummy.

Nielsen Family said...

We just had a freezer foods relief society and got a lot of recipes that can freeze well, though I've found a lot can freeze well. The Broccoli Cheese soup and chicken pot pie in the recipe book freeze really well. Having a freezer is great!