

Monday, July 12, 2010

Beep Beep ba-Beep - This Just In

Saturday evening, we decided to move around some furniture in the front room. The room is awkwardly wide with the door right in the middle of the wall, so the furniture (along the walls) is awkwardly far apart. So we tried to rearrange (unsuccessfully - because something didn't fit where we wanted it to by 1/2 inch.). In trying to move grandma's couch, I kicked it by accident, and nabbed by toenail. My big toe nail bent backwards and ripped along one side. Bet I made ya cringe just now.

Anyway, I quickly bandaged it up because I didn't want to look at it anymore, and I'm hoping it will grow itself out and I won't have to touch it. *shudder* Gross.


Anonymous said...

I took an interior design class for three evenings so I'm pretty much an expert now. I could figure out how to arrange your furniture.

Why weren't you wearing shoes? They are wonderful for protecting feet from having the toenails ripped off:)

mollie said...

It's gonna turn black and fall off!!! (FYI)

Megan Busath said...


Kate said...

I did cringe!