I'm glad / At least in my life / I've found someone / That may not be here forever / To see me through / But I found strength in you / Cause in my mind / You will stay here always / In love you and I / In my mind / We can conquer the world / In love you and I
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Hello dear readers (aka Mollie, Mom and Erin...) That's not to leave out my other readers, but I'm assuming Mollie Mom and Erin are the only ones reading this. So... yesterday or the day before Mollie wrote about spring being in the air. It certainly is. Okay, okay, cut to the chase. I'M ENGAGED! The story: Chad and I had to go to Idaho Falls this afternoon to get my phone replaced and look into getting my clarinet fixed. (which we didn't end up doing because the guy wanted $395) We ended up not having enough time to get something to eat while we were gone, so we came back around 3:30 so I could go practice with my accompanist for my performance tomorrow for the clarinet festival. I practiced with Natascia and then met up with Chad again. Around 5:00 we went to Applebee's for dinner. Since it was relatively early for dinner, the restaurant was relatively empty. I rambled on at the mouth for a while talking anything and everything. We ordered our food, and then Chad got really quiet. And I asked him what was up. He couldn't think of anything to say so he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little white box and put it on the table between us. He took my hands in his and asked me to marry him. I said yes and he put the ring on my finger. And that's our story. He promises me he kept it simple because 1) he couldn't wait and 2) he didn't want to embarrass me. As you'll see, my ring is simple too, so it fits.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Hello readers -- not much is new in the land of cold and wind. ... or should I say "colds and wind". I took a lovely nap Sunday afternoon only to wake up not feeling that well. I took my temperature which was a little above normal. I had a slight fever. I woke up Monday morning feeling even worse, had a higher temperature than the day before, and had developed a lovely little cough to accompany it. They go so well together. I skipped most of my classes on Monday, hoping that if I stayed home and rested, I would get better faster. I had to play for someone's pre-recital jury around noon, and then I had a dress rehearsal for the opera (The Magic Flute) that I'm playing in the pit for. That ran from 5:45 to 9:00. Yesterday I woke up feeling still worse, with a temperature of about 101.5. After feeling like I was going to konk out right there in the shower, I decided to skip my first two classes, and go in for Wind Ensemble at 11:30. By then I didn't feel too terribly better, but knew I had to go. I had clarinet choir and sectional after that and then another dress rehearsal from 7:00 to 10:30. Let me tell you -- in case you had wondered, playing the clarinet for 7 1/2 hours in one day is not a good way to cure a sore throat. But -- wonder of wonders -- I woke up today with a mild fever (if you can even call it that) of 100.5. I'm feeling pretty good right now, which is not to say that as soon as I step outside I won't wonder why I thought going to class was such a good idea. But my point in telling you all of this is to point out why you should stay home when you're sick. You get innocent people like me sick if you don't. And I never get sick! I have to admit though, it is quite the dilemma. Skip class and stay home, because you feel crappy, and you don't want to share your germs, and lose credit for that day of class. Or go to class because you have to be there, and risk spreading your killer germs to others. Since I haven't missed those classes ever, I decided to just stay home. But I have to go today because otherwise I will have missed my M-W classes two days in a row. Let me just say this. Curse you whoever brought your sickling germs to school and let them jump and play all over me until my body was jealous and wanted some of it's own! Mollie and I agree that the candy nerds on the commercials look like little germs. That's what I imagine. Little nerd germs throwing parties in every imaginable place. Eew. On a grosser sidenote -- ya know how some people hack up phlegm like it's their job? And then they spit it out really disgustingly...? I envy those people right now. I have this nasty cough and I seem physically unable to do that. I could go into detail, but I'll leave it at that. Anyways -- after making such a valiant effort to get up early so I could go practice this morning, I have realized that by the time I was ready to go, there really wasn't quite enough time to practice anyway. So I decided to do this instead. Well, until something more exciting than sickness comes along... I bet if you read all the family blogs right now, you'd think we were constant sicklings. Or at least me and Kyle. I bet your so glad you can read everyone's blogs to catch up on their health issues....
Monday, March 10, 2008
Hello blog readers! Let me tell you a story about daylight savings time. So Saturday night, knowing that Daylight Savings Time would go into effect at about 2:00 am the next morning, I set my alarm on my phone, thinking that it would automatically reset itself to the correct time and thus ensure that I got up at the right time. It's foolproof... right?! No, you, like me, would be wrong about that. I set my alarm for 8:00am, giving me plenty of time to get up and get ready for church which begins at 9:30. Sunday morning as I was laying contentedly in my bed, I heard the noise of the hair dryer. Thinking it must be about time to wake up, I rolled over and looked at my phone -- 7:53am. I looked at my clock radio which I thought I hadn't successfully reset the night before -- 7:53am. Hm. I must've reset it afterall. So I fall back asleep, cherishing my 7 minutes before my alarm goes off. And in the middle of my dream, I'm thinking -- it sure does seem like it's been a while... my alarm should've gone off by now. I wake up and roll over and look at my phone -- 9:05. So did I fall asleep and really sleep for another hour? No. My alarm never went off. After doing some investigative work (Kimberly blow dried her hair about 1/2 hour before I got out of the shower, which was at 9:15) I realize that my phone decided to accept Daylight Savings Time at about 8:00am. Except that it went straight from 7:59am to 9:00am. 8:00am on Sunday March 9th, 2008 never existed. Hence why my alarm never went off. We were late to church because of me, but not by much -- we walked in in the middle of the opening hymn. I called Chad (who also has Verizon) after church and he said his phone did the same thing. He missed sacrament meeting altogether. Anyways. I wanna know what happened to 8:00!! I needed that time to get ready for church! I don't want it back in November when it's no good to me anymore! Obviously Benjamin Franklin didn't take cell phones into account when he came up with this glorious plan. In Australia their clocks change half an hour at a time. I can't even imagine getting used to that. I would wake up thinking it was 8:30, get ready only to realize that 9:00 is now 9:30. An hour would occur in the space of half of one. So here in the U.S. that hour just doesn't exist. . . . ?