

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Well hello my dear readers, once again. This time I am writing to you from "Sunny" California. I write "Sunny" like that because it's done nothing but rain for the last three days. Of course.
Anyways -- why am I here, you ask? To visit Chad! SURPRISE! It was sort of an impromptu trip. We had thought about it before but it always looked like it was going to cost much more than either one of us could afford. But a week ago I was looking online and found a fare to change my flight to Salt Lake on January 7th to a flight to Sacramento on January 1st. It actually saved us money. So here I am in California. On Wednesday, Chad took me around Sacramento, and then on Thursday we went to San Francisco even though it was pouring. We took a lot of pictures, and hopefully it won't be too long before I get some of them posted here. Right now they're all on Chad's computer. It's been fun! We were supposed to drive to Rexburg today, but with the weather, we decided that Monday would be our best traveling day. So Monday it is. Pictures to follow!

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