

Thursday, April 04, 2013

My Birthday 2013

On Monday morning, I got up, took a shower, and went to get dressed. I heard Charlie and Chad in the other room, so I snuck in to say hello, only to find Charlie covered in barf. Chad had to go down to Pocatello to take a test for employment with the Post Office, and Chad's parents were supposed to come over and watch Charlie. I decided to stay home since he was sick. It didn't take a lot of convincing.

So. After going to school to set up some sub plans, I spent the morning snuggling Charlie, reading a book, taking a nap, and cleaning up the yard a little bit. In the afternoon when Chad got home, we went for a bike ride to get some ice cream,

played at the park, and then went to an early dinner at Applebee's with Chad's parents. We came home, opened some presents, video chatted with Grandma, ate cake, and watched West Wing. It was a pretty fabulous day.

Birthday presents: Googley eyes & Amazon gift card (Mollie), new Easter outfit (Erin), rolling storage crate for school and cooling rack for baking (Chad's parents), piano bench cover, gift card to Applebee's and plane tickets to CT!!! (mom and dad) I also got a gardening bench/kneeling pad, a bath pillow, Scrabble Flash, Ellen stand-up DVD, and a book of my last year of blogging from Chad.

The next day I got my hair cut for the school's Locks of Love assembly. It ended up a little shorter than I would have thought, but it will grow out.

We thought Charlie was feeling better, but then he barfed yesterday morning, and filled a bunch of diapers. Then he was barfing again at 2am this morning. It has been a tiring week. This weekend is General Conference, so it will be nice to be home for a couple of days.



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