

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas list

I have some things on an Amazon wish list (The "Things I Like" list, not the "Things I Need When The World Is Ending" list) but after Charlie's birthday extravaganza, it became evident that our family may need a new camera. Both Chad and I have old digital cameras with their own issues.

Nothing too fancy - just one that doesn't a) eat batteries or b) take 5 minutes for the flash to refresh. One that would be good to catch squirmy children would be helpful.

Anyways - just a thought if you are still wondering what to get your favorite daughter/son/sister/brother/brother-in-law/nephew.

Updates from our little man's first birthday will hopefully be coming soon!!!!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go snuggle my new one-year-old. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.

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