

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Other perks of no longer being pregnant:
  • Normal frequency of trips to the bathroom
  • I can fit into some of my clothes again
  • I can put on my own boots
  • I can sit cross-legged on the floor and not feel like I'm suffocating
  • My belly doesn't itch (so much)
  • Oh yeah, and now I have a little person

Things are going well. I don't really know how to get Charlie onto a "schedule" for when I go back to work. Right now he eats and then sleeps until he's hungry again - which is anywhere from 2 - 5 hours. Last night he ate just after midnight, then not again until 5:30. (HALLELUJAH!) He slept again on and off until 7:30, then he ate at 10:30, then slept until 1:30 when I fed him again, and is asleep now. He even slept through some errands today. It was good to get out of the house, and today was actually unseasonably warm. But I don't like to take him out because it's just so cold! I don't even want to go out. Lady has adjusted extremely well to having him in the house. When he cries a lot (mostly when I'm changing his diaper) she goes and rings the bell to go outside. Ha. She sleeps through pretty much everything now, and only barks when she hears babies on TV. She sniffs him, but doesn't get too close, but also doesn't have a problem cuddling up with us in bed or when I'm nursing him.

We are going to try for church tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. I think he will be fine - I just hesitate to bring him because, obviously, I don't want him to get sick.

1 comment:

ottspot said...

Be careful taking him to Church. Just keep him in his carrier and don't let anybody touch him! Normally I'm not paranoid, but I just finished reading the news about how Utah is at a 5 year high in whooping cough cases. Babies can't be vaccinated for it until they are 6 mo. old and adults get it without knowing they have it. I also just read that infants may not even have a cough when they have pertussis - but they can stop breathing. It said the symptoms to watch for in infants were "runny nose"...uhh...they get runny noses all the time! See, now I've made you paranoid too. Addie is just about 4 months and just started behaving on a more predictable schedule in the last couple of weeks. I think anyone or any book that tries to tell you that your new baby can be put on a schedule is on crack.