

Friday, April 02, 2010

New Blog Title Coming Soon

Due to the fact that I will be leaving college life behind in just 8 days!!!

That's a crazy thought.
Then I have to be a grownup and get a job and have kids and such, and I can probably appropriately re-name my blog to "Boring Life."

Any other title ideas?

I have finished student teaching in its entirety - presented my work sample, and am now waiting for graduation! Unfortunately I can't just sit back and wait for someone to announce my name and deem me a college graduate since I have to perform for graduation. That's kind of nerve-wracking. Especially since I haven't gotten any details besides the fact that I am playing. I've been polishing up though, and it should be fine.

I went to the eye doctor earlier this week and the doctor made a comment about how my pupils are so big that they didn't need to put drops in them in order to see whatever it is they see in the back of your eyes. Well... thank you...? I got some new contacts and a copy of my prescriptions so I can put lenses in the new frames I bought at WalMart about a month ago. They were having a deal that you could get glasses for cheap. Unfortunately, the only frames that looked decent were a pair of kids frames that were only $10 bucks in the first place... I think I saved a buck. Then the lenses are $30. But I haven't had new glasses since... high school. But I LOVE my old glasses. I guess I could just get new lenses put in my old frames. I never thought about that. Hm. Anywho.

Also - my birthday was yesterday!

Besides the lame fact of having to finish my last college project and present it to my supervisors, and then having to practice my piece for graduation with my accompanist, and the fact that it snowed ALL DAY yesterday, (and MEAN snow - horizontal and windy) it was a GREAT birthday.

When I got home from practicing, Chad had set up my birthday tree (yes - birthday tree). We joked about having a little lighted Christmas tree as a birthday tree, and it would come out a few days before your birthday, and presents would slowly accumulate under it. Well, this year, Chad put out the birthday tree, complete with Erin's birthday card to me as tree-topper.

Chad took me to Idaho Falls to check out an apartment he looked at after work the other day. It was sooo tiny compared to our luxury suite here above Porter's. It will be hard to move to a smaller and more expensive place. We turned it down and have continued the hunt.

After the apartment, we went to dinner at Chili's. I'm pretty sure I left my sunglasses on the table, but I called and the manager says no one turned any in. :o(

After dinner, Chad said he was taking me to a mystery location and that I was going to have to pick something so he could buy it. Well - who am I to argue? He took me to Barnes & Noble! I've told him in the past that if he ever needed a gift for me he could always get me a book - a regular book, or a book of music. Knowing this, but not knowing what to get, he let me pick. I got Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis because people talk about it all the time and I have never read it, and Sense and Sensibility because I haven't read it either.

After Barnes & Noble, we drove back to Rexburg in the snow. When we got back I opened presents.

Earlier this week, Chad's mom gave me a book of Broadway show tunes, and some money to pick another music book. I picked another John Schmidt book even though music people frown on his music. Oh well - it's not that hard, and it's fun to play, so it wins in my book.

Chad gave me Mario Party 8 for the Wii (which, sisters and parents, we may have to play when you come this weekend - don't worry, it's easy), a rice cooker, and Buzz Word - a game. Does anyone know if you can cook minute rice in a rice cooker? I know that's not the point of the rice cooker - but I happen to have a ton of minute rice at the moment (due to buying more after I forgot I already bought some). With a rice cooker, does that make it... like... 1/2 a minute rice? Anyways, I don't think you can - but let me know if I'm wrong.

Mom sent tickets to the Magic Kingdom and a parking pass for our trip to Florida next month. YAYAY! AND a package from the Easter Bunny. He must have forgotten that I was at school in Idaho, so mom so nicely forwarded it on to me. Last year he came during church. I was wondering how he would get to us since we'll be home all day on Sunday due to General Conference, but I should have known he would find a way around that. Thank you Easter Bunny!!!!

Then I blew out candles, and ate cake. Oreo cake. It was yummy, except that the frosting was that really thick, buttercream-type that I'm not very fond of. But it was still good.

(I don't know why I'm looking up like that.. it's kind of creepy looking and the deathly pale color of my skin due to the camera flash doesn't help)

Thanks for a great birthday Chad and parents!
Happy Birthday Mollie! I have something for you, but you'll get it next week when you guys come up to Rexburg.

I have been lucky enough to be on spring break this week, and after having finished my work sample, I have enjoyed being completely and utterly lazy today. But I did clean the apartment today, so there!

I can't wait to graduate and see my family next week. Not sure what we're gonna do, but hopefully it won't be snowing!


Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed your birthday. I like the birthday tree! Please get rid of the snow and cold before we come. It will be sunny and pushing 80 here today. I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK TO WINTER!!!!!

Nielsen Family said...

Eric thinks "real life begins" but maybe "scary stuff ahead" might work as well, especially since you get to add to the list "own a home" which pretty much takes up your life.