

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekend Update

I owe you a quick update.

I had my senior recital hearing on Friday. I played excerpts of my music for Bro. Holman (there were supposed to be two other professors there - one came for a few minutes and left) and he was supposed to decide whether or not I was allowed to go ahead with my senior recital. He decided I passed. Yay! Not that I was worried - I've been practicing!

Anyway - I also heard from the student teaching people. There's a choir teacher in Idaho Falls who wants to set up an interview with me. Don't ask me what that's all about, because I really don't know. Neither do any of my professors.

In other news, I am now officially on Thanksgiving Break!!!!!!!! I am SOOO glad. This semester will be over before I know it!

Also, it snowed about 2-3 inches today. Hopefully the roads will be cleared up by Tuesday when Mollie comes up with some guy in her ward and we have to go pick her up in Blackfoot.

We bought ourselves a turkey yesterday, and are preparing to make our very first Thanksgiving dinner together. It could be scary... There's always KFC.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Send your own ElfYourself eCards
Send your own ElfYourself eCards
Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Weekend Update

Hello everyone.
It's been a while since I posted anything.
Some updates:

The FBI has completed my background check and I am officially approved to do my student teaching somewhere. (Location yet unknown)

We began using our baseboard heaters in October when it got really cold. We turned on the one in the front room and the one in the bathroom. We decided we'd see how much it cost and determine if it was worth it. We got our power bill. It is lower than last month's when we didn't use the heaters at all. $11.00. I think we'll be using the heaters.

We had an AMAZING (if I do say so myself) Halloween party with some friends of ours. It was really fun. We began with a spider web thing through the other apartments. It was creepy enough in the dark without adding anything. Chad decorated the hallway with Porter's stuff, and we had donuts on a string, pin the tail on the cat, build a foam haunted house the fastest, and a candycorn count. We had a lot of fun. Here are some pictures:

(This is a "mister" Chad bought at Porter's, not dry ice. We discovered (too late) that they do in fact sell dry ice at Broulim's.)

Chad and I dressed up for the Halloween Concert (which I, thankfully, wasn't in this year) Here is our dorky music costume. (To which the usher said - Oh, you must be choir people. ... because only choir music has repeat signs?)
One of the choir girls saw us in the lobby and said "Aww - together you go on and on and on and on and on and on..."

My friends bought guinea pigs a few weeks ago, and we went over to visit. They are so cute!! (The guinea pigs, not the friends... ) I'm sure mom is rolling her eyes.

My senior recital is exactly 3 weeks from today. *sigh*
My hearing is supposed to be next Friday. I will be so glad when it is over.

It is snowing.

I leave you with a picture of a sunrise taken from our kitchen window a while ago.