

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Well hello dear readers.
If only there was smell-o-vision...

We escaped to Erin and Bryce's tonight, being bored and sick of being stuck in the bat cave (as we have so affectionately named our temporary housing). We played with Will and hung out for a little while before reluctantly returning. We walked in the door and were hit in the face with the lovely smell of cabbage from something we had cooked earlier. And if that wasn't bad enough, the kitchen garbage reeked of crap (literal crap) thanks to cleaning out the lizard's cage earlier. I nearly died. In fact, I collapsed onto the floor, my nose trying to pull itself into my face to prevent further assault of its ... smell... buds.

While we are grateful to have had a place to live this past month, we cannot WAIT to get to our place in Rexburg!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to remove the big rose in the background. It makes all your pictures look like the walls have big brown stains on them. Looks like you'll be cozy. Better put your bed up on blocks so you can have some storage under it. Love the carpet! Will they let you paint or anything to brighten it up a bit? What is underneath you and do you have a place to park? Take some pictures from the outside to give me an idea of the area. Dad said he hopes it is safe. I told him you said there aren't any unsafe areas of Rexburg. Have fun settling in and let us know what you need after the dust settles. Some people still owe you a wedding present. Mom