

Sunday, November 12, 2006

It has been brought to my attention that I haven't updated my blog in quite some time now.
I suppose I should.

Since my last post:
-I performed in my first Wind Ensemble concert on October 18th -- it was awesome
-I performed in a post-Halloween Concert with the Rexburg Community Orchestra
-I survived my midterms, such as they were. (I didn't really have any)
-I got engaged on November 3rd
-Okay, I didn't really get engaged, I'm just messing with you
-It snowed on October 28th
-It snowed again tonight -- we got about an inch (and a half?) in 2 hours

Some things I've begun to miss about home:
-Being stage manager of the play
-My dog
-The humidity
-My (yes, "my") piano
-The green
-Flip flops
-Homecooked food (even if it was out of a box)
-Cromwell Ward
-The Astro

Some things I definitely don't miss about home:
-The politics of High School
-The way drinking was the only thing anyone seemed to do on the weekends
-Insincere people (not that there aren't insincere people here too...)

In other general news:
I am going to Provo for Thanksgiving this year. Erin is hosting it at her house. My aunt had mentioned something about us coming for Thanksgiving the last time we saw her, but we haven't heard anything else since. My aunt in Pocatello, ID casually invited me, but I'll be going to Erin's. I am getting a ride with my taxi driver, Chad Busath. Just kidding, he's not really my taxi driver. ;o) I'm excited to see my talking little nephew and the rest of the family. I'm more excited because I get 5 straight days off from school. It'll be nice to just take some time off and not be rushing to get back to school or whatever.
Also, I will be coming back to Cromwell for Christmas on Wednesday December 20th. Then I leave on January 6 or 7. I will miss the first two days of my second semester, but it saved my parents about $200 to do so. I'm excited to go back home.

Hm... what else?
I think that's about it. I've been busy with schoolwork and music, and sometimes even being social. :o) I'm trying very very hard not to turn into the stereotypical "music major". You know the kind. *shudders*

Well I guess that's all. That was kind of boring.
...Until next time.

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