Today we took the boys to see Incredibles 2 at the Berlin cinemas. The boys got scared about halfway through the movie. Charlie started crying at a particularly intense scene, so I took them out. We walked over to the Dollar Tree and bought ice cream while we waited for the movie to get over.

Then we met up with Mollie, Eric, mom and dad and went to lunch at Dairy Queen. We went back to mom and dads after. I had a few slight contractions (I didn't realize it at the time) while the kids were there playing in the backyard. I started timing them when we got home, and caught on that we would be having a baby today! I ran around the house packing last minute items, Chad blew up the new pool, and we cleaned things up for grandma to come over around 5:30. I timed regular contractions (every 2-3 minutes) for an hour before we headed to the hospital at just about 6:00. I thought Charlie would be excited that the baby was finally on his way - I went to say goodbye and told him I was going to the hospital. He broke down in tears and cried until we left because he would "miss [me] so much". Mom says he was fine once we were out the door.
On the phone with the doctor to tell him I'm at the hospital. |

I walked myself up to the L&D unit and they, as happened with both Charlie and Russell, looked at me incredulously when I told them I was in labor. They seemed totally unprepared for a pregnant woman to walk in the door, but decided to give me a room. My doctor got there and determined I could stay. By that time my contractions were much more intense. I asked for an epidural, and waited while they got an IV set up, (the nurse and doctor seemed to argue with each other over a balloon that could be placed on the IV bag to deliver the fluid quicker. Or so I gathered. I really don't know - except that we were arguing over a "balloon". The doctor was asking for it - the nurse, Carmella, clearly didn't think it was necessary) monitors hooked up, and called the epidural guy.
I tried the nitrous oxide for one contraction (that was a joke!) before the anesthesiologist thankfully showed up. In Idaho they had Chad sit in front of me to help keep me still for the anesthesiologist. Here they literally wouldn't let me touch him. I was surrounded by nurses. And one particular nurse who kept breathing in my ear "he he whoooo, he he whoooo." It was exactly like in the TV shows. DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY DO THAT?! I ignored her. Repeatedly.
After they got the epidural in, I was free to rest. But it was not as blissful as it was with Russell and Charlie. I was really disappointed actually. They finished the admission paperwork, and left us alone. I tried to sleep, but wasn't very successful.
At some point later, I called the nurse because I was feeling "pressure". The doctor came in to check me and broke my water, then got suited up for a biohazard apocalypse to deliver the baby. He (and the doctor he was training) seriously spent about 10 full minutes putting on layer after layer of medical gowns, rubber gloves, masks, etc.
I started to feel more and more pain (this was NOT "pressure") as they got the room ready to deliver the baby. Despite pushing the button repeatedly, it got much worse as I got ready to push. THANKS A LOT ANESTHESIOLOGIST!! But, two contractions and about 4 pushes later, and our new little guy was born. 11:18pm. Face up, I'm told.
8lbs 15oz
Dr. Yordan and my main delivery nurse Heather. She was nice - not one of the frustrating ones. Although she tried to get me to the bathroom before my legs were completely un-numb, and I nearly fell down and took her with me. Her fault - not mine!
So tiny! |
Sunday after church, the baby got to meet the family! I walked out to the waiting room to see Charlie and Russell. Russell: "Mommy! But you're still fat!" And then Charlie asked how the baby got out of my tummy. (Mollie and Eric were here too - I'm not sure why there aren't any pictures...)
We filled out his paperwork for the hospital and settled on Everett James for his name. We stayed again Sunday night (by "we", I mean the baby and I) and got ready to go home on Monday afternoon. We gathered up all of the miscellaneous stuff they give you when you have a baby, and a nurse wheeled me out to the car.
And then there were 5! Welcome home Everett!